Hi Chuck and Eric D.,
Thanks for the input.
Chuck: it's good to hear that your core i5 is doing the job for you. We've been looking at i5s too, and will probably go that route, as they are easier to get over here and are a little less expensive than the i7s. Eric D.: My concerns were based less on the new iMacs in general, which are quite probably as "insanely great" as (almost) everything from Apple. My worry was about the (usually) unforeseeable "gotchas" that my Mac experience tells me sometimes appear when a new generation of processors meets up with a new (or old) app. Have the good people at MM tested their products on the new machines? Who knows. But there's always someone in the blogosphere who's sure to know, so thanks for the "all clear" ... and for the tip about the RAM.
Eric F.

On May 29, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Eric Fiedler <eric.f.fied...@t- online.de> wrote:

Hello all,
Is there anyone out there with one of the new Core i7 iMacs who has been having any serious "issues" with Finale 2010? We are seriously thinking about biting the bullet and retiring our ancient trio of 10-year-old (!) G5 towers and replacing them with something from the 21st century, and the latest iMacs have been getting a pretty good press ... and are a lot cheaper than the Mac Pros.
Any words of wisdom from the FinMac community would be most welcome.

Habsburger Verlag Frankfurt (Dr. Fiedler)

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