No gotchas. Just good stuff.

As for MakeMusic testing stuff.........who knows

On May 30, 2010, at 1:45 AM, Eric Fiedler wrote:

> Hi Chuck and Eric D.,
> Thanks for the input.
> Chuck: it's good to hear that your core i5 is doing the job for you. We've 
> been looking at i5s too, and will probably go that route, as they are easier 
> to get over here and are a little less expensive than the i7s.
> Eric D.: My concerns were based less on the new iMacs in general, which are 
> quite probably as "insanely great" as (almost) everything from Apple. My 
> worry was about the (usually) unforeseeable "gotchas" that my Mac experience 
> tells me sometimes appear when a new generation of processors meets up with a 
> new (or old) app. Have the good people at MM tested their products on the new 
> machines? Who knows. But there's always someone in the blogosphere who's sure 
> to know, so thanks for the "all clear" ... and for the tip about the RAM.
> Eric F.

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