That's true, but you can create ANOTHER set of articulations that are set to ALWAYS appear above, and those work on Rhythmic Notation. Remember in the old days when you had to have some that always appeared above, some that always appeared below, and some that positioned normally, until Auto came along? Well, you still need a separate set with new positionings!

I have complained about this to MakeMusic; i suggest you do the same.


On Sun Sep 19, at SundaySep 19 9:26 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Auto Note/Stem Side positioning doesn't work -- those articulations end up below on Rhythmic.



On 19 Sep 2010, at 9:24 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

Hmmmn! I don't think I have this problem using Bill Duncan's Articulations Font (which I know you have, Darcy). I'm using 2011, but I don't remember it in 2010. I don't have Finale open at the moment, but can you not create a set of articulations that appear only above notes?

What am I missing here?


On Sep 19, 2010, at 6:18 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

It's a bug and the only solution I've found is to manually drag them.

On 19 Sep 2010, at 9:11 PM, Brian Williams wrote:

Hello Finale list

Perhaps someone can help me with this problem. Since Finale 2010 or so, whenever I change a staff to "Rhythmic Notation" either by Staff Attributes or by using a Staff Style, the ARTICULATIONS end up BELOW the staff instead
of ABOVE like they used to. How do I set the default position of
articulations in Rhythmic Notation to behave like they used to do? There's nothing in the articulation designer that will allow this. PLEASE HELP!

Brian Williams

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