Well, I'm already seeing small groups use the iPad.....perhaps not for a big 
group. I didn't even consider the Stand Partner thing........

On Dec 9, 2010, at 2:06 PM, John Howell wrote:

> Oh?  For a community orchestra like ours, that has an annual budget barely 
> distinguishable from zero?  Not likely.  And just to mention it in passing, 
> community orchestras also tend to have a number of older members whose 
> eyesight is not that of a 20-year-old any more.
> Yes, I'm playing devil's advocate.  It SEEMS to be a technology that could 
> serve us awfully well.  Just not yet.  Orchestral equipment is what it is 
> because over about 3 centuries that's proven to be what is needed.  That 
> includes part sizes--with which one can of course differ--music stand sizes 
> and adjustments, the way stand partners work together, and a whole bunch of 
> other things.  A technology designed to work at a distance of about 18" and 
> to be hand held isn't going to serve musicians' needs.  And I'll bet that the 
> music market is simply too limited to entice manufacturers to offer the 
> things that WE need.

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