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On Dec 10, 2010, at 10:22 AM, John Howell <> wrote:

> I love your dream, Jonathan!  Just a couple of small flaws that come to mind 
> immediately.
> 1.  Using proprietary file formats rather than a universal one would be, I 
> suspect, a huge non-starter.  Strange to say, not everyone uses Finale, and 
> not everyone who does is fully conversant with it.  I believe that's why the 
> Portable Document Format was developed in the first place.

Gosh, you don't really check anything do you? Like the whole people
over 40 not being good with computers thing...

> 2.  "Cuts to numbers, alternate versions etc." are almost NEVER made in 
> advance of rehearsals, at least in community theater.  They more often come 
> up in the middle of rehearsals and require scrambling to make them work.  
> Been there, done that--a LOT!!!

I think the only to really accomplish a digital orchestra would be to
have some sort of program where you could delete measures, it would
reformat pages, then push the updates to authorized devices keeping
any annotations players have made on their parts. The annotations
would probably be stored in some online cloud thing where the player
would have to login to get their marks if they changed iPads.

But then again, there have been a lot of shows i have done were we end
up changing keys from the whatever "conductor" version
would probably need to be able to do that as well.

So it would really be some sort of Finale/Sibelius lite iPad version
that can do these things

> And of course the biggest problem of all:  the rental agencies guard their 
> copyrights like vicious attack dogs, and will NOT allow anything that will 
> either lower their income or defeat their absolute control over their Grand 
> Rights.  And digital files of their orchestrations could be copied and shared 
> indiscriminately.

Which is why they'd have to have some sort of copy protection on them,
though in reality it doesn't stop people from copying stuff if they
are motivated to do so.

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