At 3:49 PM -0500 12/13/10, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

How can string players learn a fairly vast repertoire of fingerings,
positions, and techniques during their careers -- techniques that are played
just from the "what" on the sheet music -- but for harmonics they have to be
told "how"? I quit string playing many years ago, so don't know. Are harmonics
not learned as a standard part of professional string development? Players
don't have a core set of harmonics memorized? Guitarists seem to.

Point taken. The question comes down to this, I think. String players certainly do learn how to read and play harmonics. But composers do not necessarily learn how to notate them properly (as the present discussion shows!), so yes, there can be ambiguous notation that needs to be interpreted. Given a choice between something clear and something that raises questions, I would usually choose the former.


John R. Howell, Assoc. Prof. of Music
Virginia Tech Department of Music
College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034

"We never play anything the same way once."  Shelly Manne's definition
of jazz musicians.
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