On 2010-12-14 10:27, Rafael L. Junchaya wrote:

This is slightly off the former topic on string harmonics. I am facing problems
with string harmonics playback in FinWin 2011b. I used to create harmonics
(artificial) with TGTools and they used to playback according to what was
expected. I skipped Finale 2009 and 2010, and now in 2011 I have found that they
are now playing back as they should (they sound as chords). I have checked HP
preferences and I'm sure the String harmonics toggle is on (in Custom HP), but
no change at all. I have also tried with GPO and the built in midi bank. Is
there anyting missing somewhere? Or is it a bug in this version?

To me, it sounds like you have a staff name that isn't recognized as a string name. That's needed for HP playback AFAIK.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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