I've been dipping into Gould's book since I received it about a week ago. I 
would certainly recommend it: I have found answers to almost all the questions 
I could think of, although sometimes it may not be immediately evident where to 
look. For "unisons" there are 14 different pages or page regions referenced in 
the index: in fact the second one led me to "dotted unisons", which covers the 
questions you asked and more (what to do with dotted unisons on ledger lines, 
for instance). 

I don't have the courage to read the book from cover to cover, but I shall keep 
dipping in, either more or less at random or prompted by a particular question. 
I'll let you all know if I find anything that shocks me, or if I _don't_ find 
something that I think ought to be in there. For the moment I'm very impressed.


On 3 Feb 2011, at 18:05, dc wrote:

> Florence + Michael écrit:
>> I recently received my copy of "Behind Bars", Elaine Gould's "definitive 
>> guide to notation". She says that a dotted note and a note without a dot may 
>> share a single dotted notehead, unless this makes the rhythms ambiguous, in 
>> which case you should use separate noteheads. For the example you give, if 
>> it's a keyboard piece I think a shared notehead would be OK. But it's 
>> correct as you wrote it (you may also place the dotted notehead before the 
>> other one if you prefer).
>> For your second example, Gould says that if both parts share the notehead, 
>> you only need one dot. If you have two noteheads, each one needs a dot. In 
>> cramped conditions the dots may be placed vertically one over the other in 
>> two different spaces, but otherwise it's better to separate the noteheads 
>> and put a dot after each notehead. For your example, I'd stay with the 
>> single notehead and single dot.
> Many thanks, Michael. Would you recommend Gould's book? It seems to have 
> answers to our questions!
> Dennis
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