Is a mute assistant a mutant?



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On Apr 5, 2011, at 6:22 PM, John Howell <> wrote:

> At 6:39 PM -0400 4/5/11, Christopher Smith wrote:
>> On Tue Apr 5, at TuesdayApr 5 4:20 PM, William Huber wrote:
>>> Other than that, if one must stand up to play the job, the mutes have to be 
>>> "prepared" for a fast change, placing the next mute on one's music stand 
>>> where, one hopes, it doesn't interfere with seeing music. It is helpful to 
>>> have the phrase "Prepare ____ Mute" written over a multiple bar rest 
>>> shortly ahead of time so that the mute can be located amongst its fellows 
>>> and set in place.
>> I can't tell you how many times I've put a mute between my thighs while 
>> standing, either in preparation for a quick insertion or after a quick 
>> removal. Of course, bucket is whole 'nother proposition...
> Isn't the bottom line here that arrangements calling for multiple mutes 
> (especially a bucket mute!--and there is no real substitute), a producer who 
> requires the players to stand, and no ability to use tables, music stands, or 
> anything else to put the mutes within reach, is simply an impossible 
> combination.  A trombone bucket has got to be THE most awkward mute to use 
> this side of tuba mutes.
> So which is more important, the musical use of the mutes called for, or the 
> visual requirement of standing up to play?  THAT'S the choice to be made.  If 
> it's the latter, then a substitute for the buckets will have to be made.  (Or 
> maybe a flock of boy scouts to handle the mutes and mute changes!!!  Now THAT 
> would be kind of fun!  But organ players have been using registrants as 
> assistants for many years, just as pianists have been using page turners.)
> John
> -- 
> John R. Howell, Assoc. Prof. of Music
> Virginia Tech Department of Music
> College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences
> Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
> Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034
> (
> "We never play anything the same way once."  Shelly Manne's definition
> of jazz musicians.
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