
By the time I read your original email you had already gotten answers from
other readers. I'll just chime in to say that, although it was hard to break
the "Mass Edit" habit, the Selection tool is a great, great improvement. I'm
a PC user and not sure how things work with Mac, but for me it has become
second nature to tap the Escape key a couple of times, which takes you from
whatever you're doing into Selection mode, highlight an area, right click
the mouse for a menu and choose an action. Aside from Speedy Entry, it's
probably the most useful feature in Finale 2011. 

You're going to have occasional problems opening old Finale files and
working with them in the new version. Always save a copy of the original in
case you have to abandon ship and start over.  After you work with the old
file for a while and are making satisfactory progress, save it and then
continue. If it all goes south, you can ditch it and go back to the earlier

If you really have trouble dealing with an older file, try converting to XML
format and opening that in the new Finale. You'll lose a few things, but it
should go much smoother. 

Steve Larsen

Finale mailing list

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