Hi Darcy, Jari, Steve and all who responded,

Nick Carter sent me the latest version of the ChordSym font, and the characters 
in question now appear in editing slots that are accessible in Finale 2012.  
The FAN files have been adjusted and the symbols are working correctly.  I will 
let the MM people know too.

Thanks again - especially to Darcy, who encouraged me to contact Nick and get 
the updated font (now called FPChordSym).


On Oct 15, 2011, at 2:19 AM, Jari Williamsson wrote:

> On 2011-10-14 11:48, Chuck Israels wrote:
>> There are two essential (to me) symbols in Bill Duncan's
>> fonts for which one cannot adjust the FAN files, because the
>> symbols (the small and large slashes for rhythmic notation) are
>> in "slots" that are currently not supported in Finale 2012.
>> The symbols are in spaces 257 and 259, and the grid that
>> Finale shows where such things can be accessed in order to edit
>> them stops at #255.
> I'm a bit confused here. I understand the fact that the 2012 FAN editor 
> doesn't support characters above 255, and that's a bug in Finale 2012 
> (since they didn't expand the editor to allow the Unicode range).
> But characters occupying slots 257 and 259 would NOT be possible to use 
> in Finale 2011 or earlier versions at all. So you would not be able to 
> see or use these characters in pre-2012 versions. Pre-2012 versions 
> could only support characters within the 0-255 range.
> I don't have Bill Duncan's fonts so I can't test myself, but this issue 
> doesn't sound logical to me.
> Best regards,
> Jari Williamsson
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Chuck Israels
1310 NW Naito Parkway #807
Portland, OR 97209-316

land line: (971) 255-1167
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