On 12/18/2011 1:39 PM, John Howell wrote:
> At 9:25 AM +0100 12/18/11, Florence + Michael wrote:
>> Apparently Notion for iPad cannot edit lyrics.
>> Here's a comparison between Notion and Symphony
>> Pro:
>> http://techinmusiced.wordpress.com/2011/12/17/a-preliminary-comparison-of-notion-and-symphony-pro/
>> > From that article:
>> "Notion 1.0 doesn't allow for lyrics-but it CAN
>> import lyrics.  If you write a song with lyrics
>> using another program (e.g. Finale, MuseScore,
>> Sibelius) that has the ability to export
>> MusicXML files, you can import (but not edit)
>> those lyrics in Notion."
>> Michael
> Sounds as if the Notion folks have really dropped
> the ball on this, considering that over 95% of
> all pop music DOES involve lyrics.  (And I doubt
> that their target market is professional
> engravers!)
> Oh, maybe they'll bring out a new version in a
> year with lyrics as a new "feature"!!!!!

Actually, in the world of apps for Apple's iPad and iPhone, 
updates/upgrades are free to registered users.  So that when the Notion 
folks add the lyrics capability it will be free to all of us registered 
users.  It's not like the PC/Mac software world where annual paid 
upgrades keep the companies in business so introducing a product without 
a capability means that users have to pay for an upgrade to get new 

And in the few days since I started using Notion on my iPad I am 
increasingly amazed at all that they've included in this initial release 
and feel confident that they will continue to add features such as 
lyrics capabilities and other things in the coming months/years.

John's right that their market isn't necessarily professional engravers 
-- it's composers of any/all genres, however, many of whom (like me) use 
computer programs to print their music.  And the ability to 
export/import MusicXML files means that people who want lyrics handling 
can do a lot of the composing on their iPad and simply send the MusicXML 
file over to their computers where either Finale, Sibelius or the 
desktop version of Notion can give them the ability to include lyrics 
and print the music.

I did most of an arrangement of a song for my elementary school band 
yesterday while out riding around with my wife as we did errands -- 
while she was in certain stores I sat in the car and worked on the 
music.  It was wonderful and so much more portable and easy to work with 
than even a notebook computer would have been!

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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