On 12/19/2011 12:58 PM, John Howell wrote:
> At 4:24 AM -0500 12/19/11, David H. Bailey wrote:
>> And in the few days since I started using Notion on my iPad I am
>> increasingly amazed at all that they've included in this initial release
>> and feel confident that they will continue to add features such as
>> lyrics capabilities and other things in the coming months/years.
> For the price that goes without saying, of course!
> But do you--or anyone else on the List--have
> experience with the Mac/PC version of Notion?  I
> ask because my former department head, who tries
> to keep up with IT matters, has been looking for
> a Free/Inexpensive notation program for our
> students for years now without ever finding one.
> It would have to be pretty full-featured to
> qualify, since in the past we've required music
> majors to have the full versions of Mosaic,
> Finale, or now Sibelius.
> Also, is there Music XML import/export built in,
> or does it require purchase of the full Dolet?

I was an early beta-tester for Notion on PC and wasn't impressed with 
the notation features but the quality of the playback samples was great. 
  It's not an inexpensive program -- just less expensive than Finale and 
Sibelius are.  Notion3 (the Mac and Pc programs) are $249 at the 
Notionmusic website but Kelly's Computers and Music says the list is 
$299 and they're offering it for $199.

MusicXML support is built into the program. As Jari pointed out just how 
much MusicXML support is built in remains to be seen. The instrument 
names come through but no beaming comes through, when I import the same 
musicXML file into either Finale or Sibelius.

As someone else has pointed out the full Dolet plugins are now totally 
free from the MakeMusic web-site.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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