Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll try to use a shape expression, as Jef 
Chippewa suggests.
The reason for this is that I need to represent two melodies, the second being 
performed as a canon and starting on measure 2 with measure 1 hidden, thus 
ending one measure later, showing a double bar line; the same double bar line 
will have to show in the last but one measure on the top staff (with its very 
last measure hidden)


Giovanni Andreani

>It depends on exactly what you need to do. You can hide barlines with a
>staff style, then override them with group barlines. In most cases where I
>have needed to do this I have not had to resort to expressions except on
>single staves. For single staves, the barline symbols in the Sonata font
>come in very handy.
>On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 6:25 AM, SN jef chippewa <
>> wrote:
>> for this, i would also *definitely* use a shape expression (and
>> regularly do).  set its positioning in relation to the right barline.
>> don't use a smart shape, if the measure width and / or layout is
>> changed, the vertical angle (whcih you hope is 90 degrees) may
>> change, and then you may have to adjust all instances of the smart
>> shape.
>> if you apply a shape expression manually each time (place it at the
>> top of your category list for quick access) instead of setting it up
>> as a metatool, its positioning and appearance can later be changed
>> globally if needed.
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