On 2012-05-15 00:57, SN jef chippewa wrote:

> can you explain what is different about this?  i did a test and there
> are 1342 glyphs available in the notes/rests selection palette if i
> set the font for them to times.  previously (before adding my fonts
> to the txt file you mentioned) SNNotes had 270 glyphs visible, now
> 256.  does this mean i should never use more than the 1st 256 slots
> if the font i design is intended as a symbol font?

I think the symbol selection dialog in Fin2012 goes up to the last found 
Unicode character slot, if the range extends beyond character 255.

"Times" on your system probably is an OpenType font or some other 
Unicode font technology that supports a larger Unicode range (=a bigger 
selections of umlauts and probably characters like the cyrillic alphabet).

By putting your custom music font in MacSymbolFonts.txt, you basically 
tell Finale "this font is a symbol font and it has consistent character 
mapping between platforms and between different font character sets". If 
you don't put the font name there, Finale believes that your font is a 
text font and tries to convert the "umlauts" in the 128-255 range to the 
Unicode character mapping (most probably from ANSI or Mac Roman). That's 
why you get a bigger range for your font, while there really aren't any 
additional glyphs.

Don't use more than the 256 slots in your music notation fonts until MM 
fixes the bug that the FAN editor can't edit larger symbol fonts sets. 
Let them know that it's important that they fix this.

But for backward compatibility it's perhaps better to keep 256 slots in 
music notation fonts for a while?

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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