>Did you add the custom font name to your user account's 
>MacSymbolFont.txt? All notation fonts must be listed there (true for 
>both platforms).

ah, no, didn't know about this.  but after looking it up in some 
F2005 help files :-) i checked the txt file of the versions i have 
installed on this computer (2005, 2007, 2008 [hardly used it] and 
2010) and none of them have my fonts listed.  but all of them have 
worked properly.

but this speaks of cross-platform CONVERSION, i rebuilt my template 
from nothing INSIDE F2012 so if i understand right this should have 
no bearing whatsoever on my situation, right?

what exactly gets "converted" (which can be bypassed by listing 
custom / symbol fonts)?  and what effect does it have on anything?

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