On 18 Oct 2013, at 12:54, Eric Fiedler <eric.f.fied...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Sadly, the change to "Always Show Scroll Bars" in SystPrefs>General didn't 
> help and I'm still confronted with the following dialog box when I want to 
> change the key signature:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/hyt99as8d5si7dj/Screen%20Shot%202013-10-18.tiff

Yes, I know. The scrolling arrows are gone from Mac OS X since I can't remember 
when and I'm sure Apple isn't going to bring them back. That doesn't alter the 
fact that MakeMusic is using scroll bars where it shouldn't:

> Scroll bars shouldn't be being used for incremental changes such as those 
> found in the Key Signature or Time Signature tools.

And further:

> Apple has provided up/down arrows to be used where a value can be altered by 
> set increments. Finale actually uses these arrows in other situations: you 
> can see them, for instance, in the Playback Controls window. Next to the 
> arrows is a field where you can enter a numerical value directly if you 
> prefer.

As I said, I, and others, have already told MakeMusic that we need proper 
incremental controls in the Key Signature and Time Signature dialogs. Tell 
theme as well! 

Best wishes,

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