I use Digital Performer, and I don't see MusicXML. They do have Final Cut Pro 
XML, OMF, AAF, and AudioDesk (which I believe is a scaled down version of DP 
they ship with their hardware interfaces).

Generally, the midi from Finale is OK, but to really be able to switch back and 
forth between it and something else, MIDI isn't really going to do it......

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On Nov 20, 2013, at 12:19 PM, Robert Patterson <rob...@robertgpatterson.com> 

> The likelihood that the Steinberg product will both A) meet its
> (unoffiicial mind you) release date target and B) be the be-all, end-all
> notation product some are touting it as is highly unlikely. I don't mean to
> sound like I would be unhappy if it happened, but I've been around this
> track too many times before.
> If they are saying now 18 months, then if it is one of the extremely few
> planned software projects lucky enough to actually see the light of day,
> 36-48 months is a more likely release time frame. And while it will do some
> one thing the developers are determined to revolutionize far better than
> Fin or Sib, we'll be lucky if the overall feature set is 75% of what Fin
> and Sib have. And even that one revolutionized thing will probably only
> target a specific user subset.
> There is something enticing about a clean slate: a fresh architecture on
> contemporary toolsets. But the reality is, by the time you bring a large
> software project to market, your toolset that was so new at the beginning
> has been superceded and your wonderful flexibile program architecture has
> been utterly compromised by real-world demands.
> When it comes to software, I have far greater faith in incremental change.
> The incremental changes  in both Fin and Sib are actually pretty
> revolutionary when you consider them over the last 10-15 years. I am sorry
> to see Sib sidelined because it could slow the pace of change in Fin.
> Meanwhile, I hold out little hope for a software product whose only output
> so far is a couple of blog posts. I hope I'm wrong.
> BTW: Personally, I would see the many remaining notation deficiencies
> addressed before turning Finale into a DAW program. Maybe the various DAW
> companies (like MOTU) could be persuaded to support MusicXML? (Do they
> already? The only reason I say this is someone said they were using MIDI
> files.)

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