Hmmmm.  That may account for everything.  I'll go back in and test that 
this afternoon. However, my situation is that I have an 8-bar section 
between double pars.  The "To Coda" happens at the end of the 7th bar.  
I want it to show a 7-bar mm rest with the "To Coda" carefully placed at 
the rightmost end of the 7-bar mm rest so that it is obvious the jump 
happens before that 8th bar.  In the score, I have the "To Coda" placed 
to the right of the 7th bar, but when Finale puts the MM rest into the 
parts, the "To Coda" ends up in a really stupid place.  Not only does it 
land on top of the "7", it isn't anywhere near the right end of the 
block and I can't move it manually.

It seems like a catch-22.  I will try finessing this by breaking and 
rebuilding the mm rest, but I suspect I will just end up with the same 
problem.  I'd really like to avoid the solution Christopher offered 
because playback is important,  But it may come to that.

Thanks guys.

On 1/31/2014 5:26 AM, David H. Bailey wrote:
> Items that are inside a multi-measure rest in the parts are difficult 
> to move. You need to break the multi-measure rest in the part you're 
> editing, move the To Coda sign, then rebuild the multi-measure rest. 

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