On 1/31/2014 5:03 PM, Lawrence Yates wrote:
> Is the failure of the repeat text to appear in the part not the same
> problem I had the other week?  Go into the Staff tool, double click on the
> staff and in the resulting dialogue box check "endings and text repeats"

The repeat markers ARE appearing in the parts.  The issue is that they 
appear in a bad place and cannot be edited in the part if they fall into 
a multi-measure rest.

On 1/31/2014 5:00 PM, Don Hart wrote:
> Have you set a staff list for it?  I get handles for the markings that only
> show in parts and can adjust position independently in the score if "Allow
> Individual Edits Per Staff" is checked.

You are correct.  I usually use the select tool, so I didn't see those 
handles.  When I click on the repeat took in the score, I see the 
handles for all the "To Coda" marks even though the mark does not appear 
(because I asked for top staff only.  And yes, I can move the handle in 
the score.  But it is still guesswork.  I might have to bounce back and 
forth between the score and linked part several times before I get the 
mark to appear in an acceptable place.  I really believe I should be 
able to drag it directly in the linked part.  You can do that anywhere 
else except under a mm rest -- and even then you can drag the marks 
assigned to the FIRST measure of a mm rest.

Anyway, I have several workarounds now, so I appreciate all those 
suggestions.  I do hope that Finale will fix this behavior.

BTW, I think the genesis of my problem is that the handle for the "To 
Coda" in the top staff in the score was in a different place from 
handles in all the other staffs.  Evidently I inserted the "To Coda" 
with the handle landing in the middle of the measure.  I must have 
dragged it to the right, but that dragging operation only affected the 
top handle and left the other handles in the middle of measure 56.  When 
Finale went to build the 50-56 mm rest, it anchored "To coda" almost an 
inch away from the ending barline in that mm rest.

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