Hello again,
Many thanks Linda and David for your very quick responses. It was wonderfully
encouraging to find your friendly messages already waiting when I got back to
the computer after a break. I still remember what a relief it was to join the
Finale List
soon after first trying Finale (having never even used Windows before) and find
many helpful people out there.

Linda, I can definitely relate to this!

> Then I left a gap over a year ago when i installed 2012. I couldn't find
> anything I was used to. A lot of things were better than before, but
> many--like changing the names of tools and putting them in a different
> menu--made me crazy, And there were other problems that even the Finale
> help site and other forums were of no use. I'm afraid to install 2014 for
> fear that the things I'm currently working on will be delayed by more
> changes. This forum has resulted in many, many hints and help, but there
> are still some elements that remain a mystery.
That must be very, very frustrating.
> I hope there are a lot of Windows users here to guide
> you through the thicket of changes!
That's a very good description. :)

> From: "David H. Bailey" <dhbai...@davidbaileymusicstudio.com>

> > 1. How can I increase the number of most recently closed items listed at the
> > bottom of the File menu (default seems to be 4)?
> Edit menu, Preferences, then click on Open in the left-hand panel. On
> the right once you do that is an option to set the number of Recent
> Files listed in the File menu.
Done! I'm slowly getting better at thinking of the possible ways to interact
with tools/
menus/icons, etc.

> > 2. How can I change the default font for e.g. the number above a
> > multi-measure
> > rest? I found a specific item for the default music font, but not the
> > extensive
> > list(s) I expected for all sorts of other elements.

> To change the default font for anything other than the music font you
> need to edit the default template, or you need to simply change the font
> for each document you create. Or you can set the fonts as you wish,
> then save the Library of all those changes to various items under
> Document Options and then load that Library into each new document you
> create.
I often generate new files from old and collect the fonts etc. that way, but I
may manage
to try that out one of these months, thank you. I've saved libraries of e.g.
in the past.
Just off now to sort out the multi-measure rest font, which will be a noticeable
improvement in the readability of my latest parts.

> > 3. I haven't found a way to respace a number of bars if e.g. I want to
> > enlarge a
> > multi-measure rest and then space the remaining bars in the line equally.
> > I'm
> > puzzled that it doesn't seem to be a possibility related to the menu that
> > appears when I right click on one of the "measure spacing handles". I'm sure
> > I
> > must be mis sing something.
> I think you may need to drag the barlines for each measure on those
> lines -- I don't know of a way to make all the measures on a system be
> equally spaced. I hope someone else may have found a way to do what you
> want.
I'll be very disappointed if it's no longer possible.
> Finale will always change the bar lengths according to what is in
> each bar -- you wouldn't want a bar with only a single whole note to
> take up as much space as a bar with 16 16th notes would you? 
No, you're right. What I really meant was that I wanted them spaced equally
appropriately. If I just enlarge the rest bar the one next to it is all squished
> Of course,  if that's is the result you want, you can achieve that using a
> hidden
> layer full of whatever note value you want to determine the bar's width,
> making it visible when you do your spacing and then hiding it for
> printing after you've locked the layout.
That's a useful reminder, thanks. I have done simlar things with hidden notes
in the past.
Best wishes
Patsy Moore <pa...@mooremusic.org.uk>
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