On 5/22/2015 4:59 AM, Mariposa Symphony Orchestra wrote:
> Thanks, Chuck ā€“ Iā€™m sure I was the culprit despite my constant paranoia/care 
> in trying to avoid falling into that MMR trap!  And finally, when it DID bite 
> in the form of missing bars, the last thing on my mind was MMRs as the cause.
> Fortunately, I spotted the missing bars through a fluke of inconsistent 
> measure numbering when proofing the parts ā€“ before handing it out.  Last 
> thing I need is a cranky oboist.  Well: crankIER!
> Thanks again to you and Robert.

I wonder if recreating the missing bars actually accomplished what I 
have done in the past in similar situations -- updated the layout.

Whenever I've found bars missing in parts, I simply update the layout 
(ctrl-u) and they have magically appeared.

However you accomplished it, though, congratulations on getting those 
bars back.  I remember purchasing a piece for my community band from a 
very small publisher and we found some missing bars in a couple of 
parts.  I e-mailed him, suggested he needed to do a ctrl-u to update the 
layout and he e-mailed me the corrected parts within an hour.

David H. Bailey
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