Thanks, David – and I agree!   That was my very first thought/action: I 
unlocked all systems and updated the layout: but they still refused to show.   
I saw where they SHOULD have been – but they were still (elegantly) 
missing...and those two phantom bars were still accounted-for in the measure 
numbering, though only to be actually seen in scroll view and in the full 

Only upon breaking all MMRs as Robert suggested: did they finally pop back into 
view in the page view of that particular part.   And they then remained in view 
(thankfully) when I recreated MMRs for the part.

Just glad to have those bars back, and of course: ever-grateful for this list!

Les Marsden
(209) 966-6988 (H)
(559) 708-6027 (Limited-reception cell)
7145 Snyder Creek Road
Mariposa, CA 95338-9641

President, Mariposa County Arts Council, Incorporated
Board Director, Economic Development Corporation of Mariposa County
Founding Music Director and Conductor, The Mariposa Symphony Orchestra ♫ ♪ ♫

Marsden Marx Pages (former career ended by disability): 
Mariposa Symphony Orchestra:  

From: David H. Bailey 
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 3:23 AM
Subject: ADV: Re: [Finale] ADV: Re: ADV: Re: Measures hiding in Page view...

On 5/22/2015 4:59 AM, Mariposa Symphony Orchestra wrote:
> Thanks, Chuck – I’m sure I was the culprit despite my constant paranoia/care 
> in trying to avoid falling into that MMR trap!  And finally, when it DID bite 
> in the form of missing bars, the last thing on my mind was MMRs as the cause.
> Fortunately, I spotted the missing bars through a fluke of inconsistent 
> measure numbering when proofing the parts – before handing it out.  Last 
> thing I need is a cranky oboist.  Well: crankIER!
> Thanks again to you and Robert.

I wonder if recreating the missing bars actually accomplished what I have done 
in the past in similar situations -- updated the layout.

Whenever I've found bars missing in parts, I simply update the layout (ctrl-u) 
and they have magically appeared.

However you accomplished it, though, congratulations on getting those bars 
back.  I remember purchasing a piece for my community band from a very small 
publisher and we found some missing bars in a couple of parts.  I e-mailed him, 
suggested he needed to do a ctrl-u to update the layout and he e-mailed me the 
corrected parts within an hour.

David H. Bailey 
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