Professional Composer and Professional Performer!  A 2 floppy disk tag team as 
i recall.  I  miss it for composing. The time signature and bar line was an 
after thought whereas in Finale it is a before you begin kind of thing. GJB

      From: David Froom <>
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [Finale] to upgrade or not...
Another since-v.1 user here. Prior to that, I tried using MOTU Professional 
Composer. I still have a score that used MOTU for notes only, and I drew in 
slurs, dynamics, articulations by hand (which I was OK with because I’m of the 
generation that had a Pelikan fountain pen with a music nib, a set of raised 
rulers, and an electric eraser). I amuse my students by telling them that when 
I moved to from LA to NYC in 1979 to start a doctorate program, one could still 
find employment in downtown LA or midtown NYC in a room full of music scribes, 
all with pen and ink, dutifully writing out scores and parts for shows, bands, 
commercials, and the few composers who were getting big orchestral 
performances. We used to get our onion-skin paper and bring in the finished 
scores for blue-print printing at Circle Blue Print in NYC, Alpheus (which 
became Judy Green Music) in LA. Judy Green also had all the best paper and 
pencils (with double-sized erasers) and general supplies (pens, nibs, ink, 
special rulers). 

Then Finale! Did v.1 come out in 1988? Even on a Mac Plus, (files on one 
floppy, programs on the other — remember the repeated disk swapping?), and pre 
smart shapes (when you had to generate each slur as an independent graphic), 
and tiny computer screens, it was worth the effort — if only because fixing 
mistakes was faster, and, with enough fussing, you could get something that 
actually looked pretty good!  I think it was finally around the mid 1990s that 
Finale became faster than doing it by hand.

David Froom
> On 13 Jul 2016, at 1:00 PM, <> 
> <> wrote:
>> Same as Dennis here--around 1989, quit MusicPrinter plus and got Finale
>> 2.x for my 386 computer . Strayed a couple of times along the way and now
>> 80% Finale, 20% Sibelius.
>> Sent from my iPhone, so please pardon all the typos.
>>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 12:39 PM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz <
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, July 13, 2016 12:35 pm, Chuck Israels wrote:
>>>> Don?t know if there are others here with the same history, but I have
>> used
>>>> Finale since v.1.0.  Nevertheless, there are a number of others whose
>>>> knowledge of the program runs considerably deeper than mine, including
>> the
>>>> always reliable Christopher Smith.
>>> Indeed! I didn't start with version 1 because there was no Windows
>> version
>>> until version 2.
>>> Dennis

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