One more thing. The file size is about twice as big and 2014.5. 3515 KB in
2012, 6560 KB in 2014.

Raymond Horton

On Jul 23, 2016 3:25 PM, "Raymond Horton" <> wrote:

> I promised this several weeks ago but put it off. Unfortunately, today I
> was forced to go back and forth between the two versions because my file
> kept crashing in 2012.
> (Windows 10 , three year old computer that should be fast enough for most
> apps.)
> The file in question is more than 2,000 measures for orchestra, 5 voice
> parts, and two pianos. Orchestra is 8 Woodwinds, five brass, timpani,
> percussion, and a xylophone - Glockenspiel staff.
> Saving this file in 2012 takes about 3 seconds, in 2014 22 seconds!
> Exporting the 2014 file to a 2012 file takes about 11 seconds.
> So, I have been working on it in 2012 for the past several months. But the
> good news for 2014 is that the crashing that has been happening, today
> only, every time I edit a certain part of the score happens in 2012 but not
> 2014. So, despite the time problems, I may need to finish this file in 2014.
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