Instead of setting the layer volume to 0 you could set it not to playback
(in the Layer options). I do this for cues.

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 1:18 PM, David Froom <> wrote:

> On 28 Jun 2017, at 1:00 PM, jef chippewa <>
> wrote:
> >
> > regarding the spacing, you might find it useful
> > to integrate {DocOptions/Music Spacing/Avoid
> > Collision of: Hidden Notes} into what robert
> > already mentioned.
> Another useful trick. Thanks!
> >
> > if you use a specific layer ONLY for those hidden
> > notes and nowhere else in the score, then
> > DocOptions/Layers and uncheck "affects spacing"
> > for that layer.
> Actually, this doesn’t work for my situation, as I am hiding my main layer
> in these measures. For example, when I use a string of running piano 16th
> notes that are to be held with the hands and tied to a sustained chord (so
> a tie extends from each 16th note, then those ties are stretched with
> special tools so all of them reach the chord), the playback is messed up
> because the notes don’t sustain and the chord sounds. So, I put the
> notation the way I want it to look in layer 4, set layer 4 to have a volume
> of 0 in the score manager, then use a staff style to hide layer 1, which is
> written the way I’d write it to get playback correct.
> >
> > even more geeky, in speedy entry, in the hidden
> > layer, opt-click (mac) on the measure and you can
> > define which notes affect the music spacing.
> > note i have not had 100% success with this in
> > other contexts (collisions of layers where i want
> > an abnormal positioning of one or both of the
> > layers), seems to be only a problem on the 1st
> > note in the measure.
> This seems like overkill, but nice to know about for special situations.
> >
> > you could use a value like 15% or something for
> > the "hidden object shading" (prefs/view).  this
> > is a global setting, but 15% is faded enough to
> > not really disturb and you can still read any
> > text that is hidden (e.g., i use a category
> > defined with hidden text to make notes in the
> > score for myself about workarounds or quirky
> > approaches to notating things).
> I set the value to 0% here. What I was looking for, however, was a
> transparency setting. Even having these pale disturbs me, and at 0% I see
> the opaque white blobs where the notes were.
> Thanks for these tips!
> David
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