On 6/7/2019 5:56 PM, Don Hart wrote:
I'm on a mac so I'm not sure how this all corresponds, but I select
everything I want to print in the Finale print dialog and choose "save to
pdf" in the pdf dropdown menu. (If the score and parts page sizes differ,
each has to be saved separately after adjusting page setup.)  Once I have
all the pdfs I put them in their own folder and make a zip file of that
folder.  To do this on a mac you select the folder and choose "Compress..."
from the file menu.  The zip file can then be sent as an attachment.


I think that what you're talking about is specific to Macs. Windows doesn't have a PDF creation routine built into the operating system the way that it seems tha

Martin is on a Windows machine, and in Finale25 in the File/Export/PDF dialog there is no option to save all the various parts as PDF files. It only works on the particular score or part that you're viewing at the time.

In the File/Print dialog there is only the option to "print to a file" but in the dialog to specify where to save the files the only option is to get .prn files, which could then be spooled to the printer to get the proper output.

The best way for a Windows machine is to install a free PDF printer and simply print the files to that printer, which will then save PDF files to whichever folder is specified.

David H. Bailey
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