On Aug 22, 2004, at 3:32 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:

Daniel Johnson wrote:
I had an identical problem, and it was fixed by performing a selfupdate.
This happened to me also. I had Fink's bison 1.875 installed and apparently it generates bogus code with pwlib. Do a "fink remove bison" first and it'll build.
The real solution is to patch the makefile to call /usr/bin/bison instead of just bison. I've emailed the maintainer about it.

In principle, if you are completely up-to-date, this should not be necessary, because pwlib has a field "BuildConflicts: bison". This causes the bison package to be removed automatically before pwlib is built, and then to be reinstalled afterwards.

I say "in principle", because the BuildConflicts field has been activated only recently, and since it is not documented I am not sure with what released version of fink it really became active. In any case, with the latest fink-0.22-something it works as it should.


That's odd; I'm using fink from CVS HEAD and BuildConflicts definitely didn't remove bison. I had to do it manually. I wasn't aware that BuildConflicts had been implemented at all. Guess I'll look at the code and see what it's doing.

Daniel Johnson
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