On lundi, février 25, 2002, at 01:40 , Max Horn wrote:
> So i strongly doubt that the system update is the culprit. Rather
> something else that has been changed recently.
> Matthias, since when exactly do you have these problems?

My problems are different, but also persistent. I compiled 
gdk-pixbuf and *-shlibs on 2002/02/13, apparently without problem.

The exact same versions do not build now, both fail with the same 
error that I described already.

gdk-pixbuf-scan.c:1317: bad macro argument list

This error can be overcome by adding -no-cpp-precomp to the 
SetCFLAGS: line. The compilation then fails later with the message:

cannot open Display :0

So it tries to start an X11 client (the same gdk-pixbuf-scan where 
it stopped earlier), which is somewhat surprising during a 
compilation. I am now trying to see whether it compiles while X11 
is running.

...A little later:
Yes, now it builts completely.


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