Hash: RIPEMD160

On Samstag, Februar 8, 2003, at 02:56  Uhr, Ben Hines wrote:

On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 10:36  AM, David wrote:

Furthermore it is not as simple as simply adding --prebind. Many pieces of software are not yet fixed to fully support prebinding, much less proper relocation nor 'reentrancy'.

This is wrong.

Then please explain to me how that is wrong. I will admit, that I do not know too much about Macho-O yet and thus I might be falsely applying issues that come up with ELF prebinding, yet one problem always remains. To properly prebind you need to know which addresses to prebind into. The hinting information has to be announced properly and that would require something like a global registry. Does Mach-O have that? Furthermore try prebinding with something like sudo, it will not work. There have been numerous issues trying to accomplish that on elf for various reasons, at least with my testing. Maybe it does work with Mach-O.

So please do explain to me a) why it is wrong and b) where I can find more information. I was looking trhough apples website, but it was not too helpful as usual.


- -d

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