-release is bad news on OSX, IIRC it's very old on all systems and should be phased out. There should be any libs on darwin with libfoo-0.0.0 they should always be libfoo.0.0.0 which means replacing -release with -version-info. The problem is always getting the value for version-info as it can't be x.y.z, this was just the formula I've been using and wanted to share it.


On 18-Nov-03, at 5:47 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

Ummm, I don't think you're supposed to do that...

The reason for -release is for projects that don't follow gnu's guidelines in incrementing version-info and such for maintaining backwards-compatibility.

Peter can probably expand on this (and maybe I'm wrong about this), but from what I understand from the libtool list, just changing it willy-nilly because it's "ugly" is probably not a good idea... :)

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