but it'll link libfoo.1.2.1.dylib so the filename has the right version, I'm not sure about the compat versions, but it should work as it'll never go backwards.

I never heard of --version-number...I'll research it, but my little (x+y):z:y works better then -release for now, all of gnome 2.4, gnome1 and a few other libs are still using -release just as and FYI


On 18-Nov-03, at 9:09 PM, Peter O'Gorman wrote:

Well, from a quick test specifying -release 1.2.1 gives me libfoo-1.2.1.dylib with that install_name and compatibility and current_versions 0, doing -version-number (or Justin's hack) give me install_name libfoo.1.dylib and compatibility_version 4.0.0 current_version 4.1 ... this is not particularly good either way, but unfortunately libtool's versioning scheme on darwin can not be changed without breaking binary compatibility for everyone.

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