Hash: RIPEMD160

TheSin wrote:
| I just added these two commands to fink HEAD, dmalloc should be adding
| them to the man pages for me tomorrow, please provide feedback.
| fink splits -> returns a list of children of a pkg including it's parent
| fink find -> returns only the parent of a pkg for quick reference.

Actually I have been thinking about this while I drove to work and I
think splitoffs or even splits is badly named.

TheSin and I did stick with the "parent" -> "Children" theme because it
has a certain phsychological indication and thus it would make those
commands suitable even for none developers. I would suggest that you
name the actual switches

"children" and "parent"

Furthermore naming it this way would indicate two things:

There can be many children but only _one_ parent. Is that correct?

I wont be adding to the man page until this has been decided on.
Personally I do nto feel this is a developer only command.

- -d

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