Am Dienstag, 09.12.03 um 07:45 Uhr schrieb D. Höhn:

Hash: RIPEMD160

TheSin wrote:
| I just added these two commands to fink HEAD, dmalloc should be adding
| them to the man pages for me tomorrow, please provide feedback.
| fink splits -> returns a list of children of a pkg including it's parent
| fink find -> returns only the parent of a pkg for quick reference.

Actually I have been thinking about this while I drove to work and I
think splitoffs or even splits is badly named.

As a command name: that depends on how you view it. For us developers it's the most natural name, since that's what the command does: listing all splitoffs. Personally I always thought of the "parent" not as "parent" but as "master", BTW.

TheSin and I did stick with the "parent" -> "Children" theme because it
has a certain phsychological indication and thus it would make those
commands suitable even for none developers. I would suggest that you
name the actual switches

"children" and "parent"

Fine by me as well (we could still have an alias command "splitoffs" for free, though :-)

Furthermore naming it this way would indicate two things:

There can be many children but only _one_ parent. Is that correct?


I wont be adding to the man page until this has been decided on.
Personally I do nto feel this is a developer only command.

I wonder why you think so? Why would a non-developer need these? All situations I can think off were they might need it are scenarios were they have to fix/workaround bugs. I.e. it's like with tools to repair a car: the average car driver should never have to use them, but some people still want to be able to use them, and sometimes the car is not well built so you prefer learning how to repair it yourself instead of having to pay for the service (i.e. "ask on a mailing list") each time. But that's more a sign of a not well made car (i.e. it means there are things in fink which should be improved).

It's the "cure of the symptom" vs. "cure of the cause" debate. IMHO you shouldn't have to know about splitoffs at all, if you have to, then usually because you need to cure a symptom, but the real fix would be for the fink developers to cure the cause :-)

Just to clarify something: When I say I consider these as "developer commands", that doesn't mean I want to prevent "normal" users from using them. Rather it means that the primary audience for them will be fink developers/packagers. Just like Apple's Developer Tools: Everybody can install them, but most non-developers have no reason. Of course there are still some non-developers (e.g. Fink users :-) who may want to install them anyway, which is fine.

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