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On Jan 26, 2004, at 1:42 AM, D. Höhn wrote:
|>I think we will have to restart the old discussion of /sw/Applications,
|>too. And I mean a real discussion, not the hasty erection of religious
|>taboos as we had in the past. I would really love to see things like
|>Tcl/Tk-aqua and rangerrick's KDE/Qt-mac stuff in Fink.

I do not quite understand why. Please do not misunderstand me, I am not
completely opposed, I just do not get why. We are good at something,
which is packaging Unix based applications. There are enough
applications out there which have not been packaged yet and we are
having trouble already keeping up. I just fear that introducing .app
into the whole system complicates matters to the worse.

Well, there are many nice wrappers for opensource programs that could be a welcome addition to fink, also some projects have os x code in them itself. What is the difference in an opensource Cocoa app or an x11 one? just a different windowserver. Also it would be possible for the apps to use fink's libs, and not have to duplicate everything in each app bundle, which is the point of shared libs in the first place. I'd love to see more stuff, but I do feel we should be pretty selective about it, at least at first. As for duplicating everyting that kde apps need to run, well, i'd much rather not :)

- -chris zubrzycki
- - --
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