On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Martin Costabel wrote:

> > I believe we have one or two command line apps in fink which are binary.
> One of them is aquaterm that installs an app into /sw/Applications. I
> never liked the fact that this is a binary installation, even when you
> do "fink install". But I think the main reason for this is precisely
> that the building of apps with Fink packages was frowned upon. A binary
> installation was considered the lesser evil, which I always found
> perverse. BTW, I don't think anyone ever reported problems with
> AquaTerm.app living in /sw/Applications. Nobody complained about the
> restriction of their freedom to move apps around at will.
Martin:  The reason that aquaterm is binary is only that originally, only
a binary release was available.  Now I believe the source is available,
but I just have never gotten around to modifying the package.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
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