Cool, thanks for the enthusiastic replies, all! I'll coordinate with Alexander to get the instructions posted. In the meantime, could I get another volunteer with a fresh Mac to try out the instructions and see if they work as expected? The HOWTO is inline below.

Note: I didn't write this or even try it yet (don't have a clean mac handy right now...) but I have a few comments:
* The usage of "ls -F | cat" is to avoid the columnar output from ls.
* The instructions describe how to install Fink from source. There's probably a way to do a DMG install with the "installer" command, but I haven't tried that yet.



You will need to enable Remote Login from the GUI. Then you can use the
username and password you have established to ssh from another system on
your network.

OSX is installed without the Xcode developer tools. Fink needs
those, so your
first order of business is to install them. Insert Mac OSX Install Disk
1. then type the following commands. The "ls -F |cat" commands are
convenient to see what you are doing and to copy file and directory

cd /Volumes
ls -F |cat
cd "Mac OS X Install Disc 1"
ls -F |cat
cd "Xcode Tools"
ls -F |cat
sudo installer -verbose -pkg Developer.mpkg -target /

A lot of stuff will flash by on the screen. When the prompt returns do:


On your other system, go to and download
fink-0.7.1-full.tar.gz, or whatever the latest release is. Copy this to
your home directory on the Mac using scp. then

tar xfz fink-0.7.1-full.tar.gz
cd fink-0.7.1-full

Follow the onscreen directions. In most cases you will want to accept
the default, but you may want to specify your continent and the closest

Fink will download, compile and install a basic system. This may take a
while. When it is done, type
source /sw/bin/

Now you may want to install some of your favorite
applications. For example:

sudo -s
apt-get update
apt-get install nano
apt-get install lynx
apt-get install mutt

Do NOT leave sudo -s running when you don't need it!

-- Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc. 608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software ( and partners in the revolutionary Croquet project (

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