David R. Morrison wrote:
Sorry to be so slow to respond here: I've only just begun to track down what's happening.


I think this is a rather complicated situation, and it may hint at more trouble we will see in the python domain. A lot of *-py23 packages my be broken since the arrival of python24.

Anyway, I tried to install pybliographer, too, and never succeeded. At first it failed with the non-existing gnome module, too. In my case, it was because "python" resolved to /sw/bin/python, but the latter was python-2.4, and although I have pygtk-py24 and pygtk-py24-dev installed (in addition to pygtk-py23), there is no module "gnome" in python24, because there is no gnome-python-py24 package.

The next try was to revert /sw/bin/python to python-2.3 which is not quite obvious, it requires an explicit
fink install python-1:2.3.5-1

With this, the gnome module was found, but then it failed immediately with

checking for python... /sw/bin/python
checking python requirements... no
configure: error: error in python modules dependencies: No module named _recode

Now the weird thing is that there is a package that is supposed to install a _recode python module, namely

i python-bibtex 1.2.1-1 BibTeX parser and binding to GNU Recode, for python23
(maintainer dmrrsn)

Now although this says "for python23", in my case it installed its module into the python-2.4 hierarchy:

% dpkg -L python-bibtex

The reason is that it uses a
CompileScript: <<
python setup.py build_ext -I %p/include -L %p/lib
python setup.py build --build-base %b
which thinks that python==/sw/bin/python==python-2.3, but in reality python==/sw/bin/python==python-2.4 if you did any update-all recently.

I am sure that many other *-py23 packages are broken in the same way (I maintain some of these).


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