>>>>> "David" == David R Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David> No.  It appears that you have an old version of the fink
David> package manager, or perhaps you are running the stable tree
David> only?

Yes, I'm running stable.

David> In the latter case, assuming that you don't want to start over with fink
David> (in spite of the suggestion to do so on the website),

And why would I be looking at the website?  I've already installed
fink.  I'm using the fink selfupdate service.  But something breaks
because of that.  Thus, this slow exchange of a valid concern from a
mostly typical user.

"fink selfupdate" should have contained some notice that I need to
update something *beyond* what normally "works".

As it stands, anyone else in my situation (having installed fink on
10.3, and using selfupdate on the stable branch to stay functional,
but has now upgraded to 10.4) is also broken.  Are they all supposed
to just magically know to go check the website to fix something?

I'm fully aware that the fink developers are people with busy lives.
But this is a legitimate break.  Perhaps something could be promoted
to stable very quickly that at least says "THIS IS BROKEN FOR

David>  your best bet is to
David> download fink-0.23.10.tar.gz from 
David> untar it, and run "./inject.pl" from within the fink-0.23.10 directory).

I actually *don't* like the idea of deleting my /sw.  I have a few
hundred installed packages, plus the entire /sw/src populated.

Ahh, no need to delete /sw as you've done it.  Thanks.  Selfupdating now.
More later, or not. :)

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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