> Every Fink package has a dependency on the version of the kernel it
> was built with, for technical reasons. This means that if you want to
> have both 10.3 and 10.4-transitional users using the same apt
> repository, you have to build the packages with 10.3. (It may be
> possible to make Tiger build 10.3 packages using some chroot
> trickiness, but I honestly don't know how reliable that would be.)
> Alternatively, you can have two separate repositories for 10.3 and
> 10.4-transitional.

Hi Dave:

Thanks for the reply.

I have do have separate repositories.  So for this example ccp4 revision
200 is in 10.4 and revision 100 is in 10.3, and was built with 10.3.

For whatever reason, the 10.3 user is only seeing the 10.4 tree, even
though the 10.3 stuff is also present, i.e.,




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