I tried today to compile net-snmp 5.2.1 on Tiger, an it has not worked properly, I succeeded in patching the new source but it seems from apples patches that it must include some headers from: /System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/PrivateHeaders , which I for one don't have, I have been unable to compile it, falling into undefined symbols problems, since there are many problems with apples net-snmp, for example no hrProcessor tables, I think net-snmp-ssl should remain in fink. If anyone has successfully patched either CVS or 5.2.1 snmp and got it to compile please let me know (I am aware this is off topic from fink-devel).

Just my two (euro) cents.

Cian Hughes

On 21 Meith 2005, at 08:31, David R. Morrison wrote:

On Jun 21, 2005, at 3:07 AM, Jeremy Higgs wrote:

On 20/06/2005, at 3:04, Martin Costabel wrote:

OTOH, it is perhaps a good idea to get rid of the package altogether. On Panther already fink's version was older than the system one.

Would anyone have any objections to this? I would tend to agree with Martin, since it's included with the system now, and isn't a terribly important package.

If there are no dependencies and no objections, I'll remove it from the 10.4-transitional and 10.3 trees in the near future...

Assuming that nothing depends on this, eliminating the package is OK with me.   However, the "fink way" to bring a package to the end of its life -- when the package involves a shared library --  is to restructure the package so that it *only* builds the -shlibs splitoff.  This way, net-snmp-shlibs and net-snmp-ssl-shlibs can continue to exist for the benefit of anyone who may have compiled something which links to this, but since net-snmp-dev won't exist, nobody in the future can compile anything which will link to it.

  -- Dave

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