Martin, Max,

Thanks for your replies.

I do think there is value in providing 'aqua' software in some cases -- for example, emacs builds a carbon-enabled version direct from CVS, but it's hard to find a .dmg of this on the web that isn't either ancient or 'enhanced' (where enhanced means altered on a whim by the packager). Even the one pointed to by Apple's website behaved strangely when I tried it recently.

I can also see that Fink should not become a shareware distribution channel but I think providing carbon emacs is a long way from this.

On 8/14/05, Martin Costabel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One could always disable the part of the build system that wants to have
> frameworks and build libraries as for the non-Aqua versions. This is
> done in the qt3mac and scribus-aqua packages, for example.

> Or one would have to introduce new directories, /sw/Frameworks or
> /sw/Library/Frameworks. For years, I have had a tcltk-aqua package in my
> experimental directory that did the latter (now obsolete with Tiger).
> Like we did for /sw/Applications/ (and the related /Applications/ Fink/), > we would have to discuss this and then decide about a file layout, but > perhaps also about some other additions to the build system, like adding
> -F /sw/Library/Frameworks to the default configure options.

It would be great to have a policy on these issues! It seems to me that disabling the Mac-like tendencies of every mac-aware package (i.e. preventing them from building Frameworks) could be more trouble than it's worth (I did it for the pygame package which is very simple, and even that required a significant amount of hybridisation between the unix and darwin configuration scripts). Choosing a Frameworks directory within /sw/ seems to achieve most of the same effect at lower cost.

And what is /Applications/Fink? So far, I've only seen /sw/ Applications in use...



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