Ben Willmore wrote:
/usr/bin/install -m 755 build/contacts %i/bin || /usr/bin/install - m 755 build/Deployment/contacts %i/bin
That's exactly what I was thinking of. I think a better solution would be for Fink detect the version of XCode that is being used, and explicitly make that information available in a % expansion, e.g. so an install script could say:

if [[ %{xc} == "2.1" ]]
  /usr/bin/install -m 755 build/Deployment/contacts %i/bin
  /usr/bin/install -m 755 build/contacts %i/bin

Making a string of alternatives could become unmanageable pretty rapidly, I think.

So far there is only this one example where a detection of the Xcode version could be useful, and making a major addition to the fink code to deal with a single example seems excessive to me. Otherwise, the Fink tradition has been to require a specific version of the developer tools for a given system version ("Xcode-1.2 with August2003(?) updater" for Jaguar, "Xcode-1.5 with November2004 updater" for Panther; there is a code in fink to detect the presence of a specific broken version of Panther's gcc and to complain about it).

One can also hope that Apple does not play such games too often.


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