On Feb 25, 2006, at 4:55 AM, David R. Morrison wrote:

Well, upon further investigation this is a very curious story.

If I repeat the same steps as Michèle, but starting by bootstrapping from branch_0_24, then the update goes OK. But if the bootstrap is from HEAD, the update fails.

The error messages produced are less familiar to me, since they come from some newer section of code in HEAD. (And I personally don't run HEAD very often.)

Can one of the HEAD gurus enlighten us about the kind of change which was made? Here, it looks like an error is generated as the buildlock package is removed. I guess some new dependency checking is done at that point which wasn't done in the past? Whatever the cause, with branch_0_24 the updating continues and eventually all dependencies are satisfied, whereas here, we cannot continue.

I would appreciate help from others as I try to understand what's going on here.


Sorry to be sending a series of messages here, but I am starting to understand better what is going on. The error message had misled me into thinking that the error had to do with the buildlock package, but actually it just seems to be an error issued by the new Fink::SysState module.

The situation is this: foo and bar are initially splitoffs in the same package, and foo depends on a specific version of bar. But in the revision, foo and bar are in different packages. Due to dependencies, fink updates bar before foo (which is correct). But having updated foo, the versioned dependence which bar has on the old version of foo is no longer valid, and Fink::SysState complains.

Why did this work OK in the past? Well, dpkg itself does not check as strictly as SysState, and it allows you to upgrade bar even though the upgrade breaks the foo dependency. Of course, by the time the entire fink update is done, things will be fine again.

One possible fix for this would be to have a mechanism to recognize that a group of packages need to be updated together, and that Fink::SysState should not be expected to give a consistent answer until they have all been updated. I'm not sure how to do this, however.

Am I on the right track, in understanding what's going on here? How can we handle updates of the kind desired?

  -- Dave

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