David H wrote:
> What feature would you _love_ to see in fink/Fink?
> Why (give us a short example what it would make easier for you)

I've been quite a long time away from Fink (no Mac at hand), and maybe 
these are already implemented. Here is a rough list anyway:

- fink fetch <package>: download package and dependencies
- fink extract <package>: extract downloaded package
- fink patch <package>: apply patch phase to package
- fink mkpatch <package>: generate a patch from an extracted (and 
posibly patched) source, just taking into account files named 
<whatever>.orig (that is, copy foo.c to foo.c.orig, then edit foo.c and 
it should generate automagically a patch)
- fink edit <source>: edit file with $VISUAL (or $EDITOR) generating a 
backup file <source>.orig (preserving the existing .orig file if present).

You know, somewhat inspired in pkgsrc. Maybe we have things like that, 
in that case I'd love to hear from other people's tricks (or any pointer 
to any documentation).

> How do you feel the rest of the community would benefit from your request?

Faster package development? People probably have already these scripts 
written by themselves, but for the sporadic contributor it would be a 
great help.

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