Blair Zajac wrote:
> We have a large number of PyQt apps on Linux for a special effect 
> studio.  We use PyQt apps to manage a large render farm for special 
> effects, examining artwork, playing back renders at high resolutions, 
> and other apps for lighting and compositing, etc.
> More of our users are using Mac's and want the same tools on their Mac 
> desktops, so we're starting to build the infrastructure to support them.
> Currently I'm using MacPorts since it provides a framework Python and Qt 
> for Mac.  However, I'm finding the distribution of MacPorts packages to 
> other hosts painful because it puts files in other places besides 
> /opt/local and there is no easy way to dist out new packages to systems. 
>   My current solution to disting out new packages to clients is ugly: 
> deactivate all ports so that everything only lives in /opt/local, rsync 
> any changes into /opt/local, then reactivate the ports.  Painful and 
> during the upgrade, nothing that relies upon /opt/local will work.
> I could do this better, but in the end, the package management isn't as 
> nice as dpkg and apt-get.
> So I want to use switch to Fink for apt-get and use an entire Fink tree. 
>   However, Python is not a Framework build.  We can't use a X11 build 
> since the performance for playback of renders is not good enough and the 
> users are artists, not developers who would mind using X11.  We need the 
> native playback speed at 24 frames per second.
> Reading some of the other comments on framework Python in the mailing 
> list, one comment was that .apps and frameworks are meant to be 
> relocatable.  I'm not interested in building applications where we can 
> just relocate the entire Python tree.  We have a complicated set of 
> Python modules with our own versioning system, so my vision is that 
> /sw/bin/aqua-python will always be provided and all our custom module 
> will live in a known location.  Any applications can have their 
> Contents/MacOS/Appname be a shell script that just execs the framework 
> python.
> I should also mention that all our Python code is written to Python 2.4, 
> so we can't use the system's 2.3 Python.  Also with 2.5 out, we'd like 
> to move to that for the increased performance.
> So several questions:
> 1) Would the Python maintainers be willing to take patches for a 
> framework install?
> 2) Should this be done on the original python2?.info, or a separate 
> Python package be built, maybe that just installs the files that are new 
> on top of the python2?.info file.  Ideally, the Framework install would 
> leverage the non-Framework install.
> 3) Would it be possible to add the --enable-frameworks to the build?  I 
> presume this will break everything, otherwise it would have been done? 
> Could we add symlinks from the framework build back to the non-framework 
> build to support this?
> Any suggestions would help.  I would like to see Fink grow the ability
> to run Aqua PyQt or PyWxWidgets apps.
> Regards,
> Blair
Blair:  Speaking as the fink python  maintainer, ff the fink python 
package could be converted to a framework install without too much 
breakage, I'm all for that.  I haven't thought about all the issues, but 
I think it's worth exploring. 

One that occurs to me right off the bat is what do we do with the 
Tkinter module - keep using the X11 version, use the aqua version, or 
try to have both?


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