Sven Schwyn wrote:
> Hi folks
> I'm very new to Fink and need GraphicsMagick to work with TYPO3 on a  
> Mac. I've therefore converted the installation guide into an .info  
> for Fink. However, it's surely far from perfect I guess, so hints on  
> how to improve it are very much apprechiated, particularly:
> 1)
> I've got /sw hardcoded which causes Fink to nag. Replacing it with  
> @FINKPREFIX@ does not work as this is not being replaced by /sw at  
> build time. There seems to be missing something.

Yes, %p. As Alex said: Check out the packaging manual:

Using an existing package as model is a very good idea, but you really 
*need* to read the packaging documentation, too.

> 2)
> The line which temporary sets a symbolic link (sudo ln -s /sw / 
> Developer...) is needed for the GraphicsMagick to compile. However,  
> sudo asks for the password - is there a way to prevent this?

Fink runs its CompileScript as root already. There is no sudo needed here.

> 3)
> The package is very OS version dependent, 10.4 in this case. Setting  
> the symbolic link will fail on other releases or if the Developer  
> Tools are not installed. Is this enough or should there be another  
> statement in the .info file to enforce the dependency to a specific  
> Mac OS X release?

The OS version dependency is no problem, because every Fink package is 
in a tree that concerns only one OS version (this is supposed to change 
with 10.5, but then there is a new "Distribution" field that takes care 
of this).

The dependency on the /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk stuff is more 
problematic, but I am not convinced you really want to do this. This is 
usually only needed if you build universal binaries or binaries for a 
different architecture from what you are building on, and this won't 
work in Fink.
> ======BEGIN======
> Info2: <<

Your package description does not need Info2. (Read the packaging 
documentation about this.)

> Package: graphicsmagick
> Version: 1.1.8
> Revision: 1000
> GCC: 4.0
> Source: 
> GraphicsMagick-%v.tar.gz
> Source-MD5: 437e7b6bac2e75695b3482c0b9b8c275
> SourceDirectory: GraphicsMagick-%v

You don't need SourceDirectory here.

> BuildDepends: libjpeg, libpng3, libtiff
> CompileScript: <<
> #!/bin/sh -ev
> sudo ln -s /sw /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/
> export CFLAGS="-O -g -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/ -arch  
> i386 -I/sw/include/"
> export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/,-L/ 
> sw/lib/"
> ./configure --prefix=/sw --with-quantum-depth=16 --disable-dependency- 
> tracking --with-x=yes --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/ 
> usr/X11R6/lib/ --without-perl
> sudo /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk/sw
> make
> <<

I see that the -isysroot stuff is suggested by the GM developers. But 
this does not mean that they are right. Did you try to compile this 
without these CFLAGS and LDFLAGS?


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