On 8/31/07, Sven Schwyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for your input, I've taken the time to read most of the
> documentation meanwhile. It may seem lazy not doing so before posting
> - and it probably is. Guess I've spent too much lifetime over the
> Gentoo Ebuild documentations :-)
> > The dependency on the /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk stuff is more
> > problematic, but I am not convinced you really want to do this.
> I've dropped it and it works without, dito for the symlink.
> Streamlined the rest of the file as well. I'm not sure about the
> Splitoffs, but I've moved the BuildDependenies to Dependencies which
> - if I understood right - should make these obsolete.

Nope.  What you're depending on now are header packages, which are
explicitly marked as BuildDependsOnly.  You need both a BuildDepend on
these, and a Depend on the corresponding -shlibs (shared library)
> I can't try it on PowerPC, so I set the arch to i386.

That makes it impossible for anybody to try it on a PowerPC without
having to edit that out.  It's better not to set the Architecture
until it is verified that a package doesn't work there.

Fink supports conditionals using the %m field to allow for
architecture-specific stuff.

> The remaining package file is kinda slim:
> ======BEGIN======
> Package: graphicsmagick
> Version: 1.1.8
> Revision: 1000
> Architecture: i386
> GCC: 4.0
> Source: ftp://ftp.graphicsmagick.org/pub/GraphicsMagick/
> GraphicsMagick-%v.tar.gz
> Source-MD5: 437e7b6bac2e75695b3482c0b9b8c275
> Depends: libjpeg, libpng3, libtiff
> ConfigureParams: --prefix=%p --with-quantum-depth=16 --disable-
> dependency-tracking --with-x=yes --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-
> libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib/ --without-perl
> Description: Image manipulation tools like ImageMagick
> InstallScript: <<
> #!/bin/sh -ev
> make install DESTDIR=%d
> <<
> DescDetail: <<
> GraphicsMagick is doing very much the same as ImageMagick, however,
> the interface is undergoing less changes which made it popular with
> frameworks and CMS such as TYPO3.
> <<
> DocFiles: README.txt ChangeLog NEWS
> License: GraphicsMagick License
> Maintainer: Sven Schwyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Homepage: http://www.graphicsmagick.org
> ======END======
> Cheers, -sven

Try using "fink -m rebuild graphicsmagick" to see what the validator
says about your current packaging.
Alexander K. Hansen
akh AT finkproject DOT org
Fink User Liaison and Documenter

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