> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 00:46:31 +0200
> From: Sven Schwyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi folks
> I'm very new to Fink and need GraphicsMagick to work with TYPO3 on a
> Mac. I've therefore converted the installation guide into an .info
> for Fink. However, it's surely far from perfect I guess, so hints on
> how to improve it are very much apprechiated, particularly: [..]

I got a useful build this way, though it's far from optimal. I kept  
notes in DescPackaging. I got started on a -lib -bin splitoff  
version, but never finished, and that info file's not worth passing  
on. Presented for forensic purposes. :-)


Package: graphicsmagick
Version: 1.1.7
Revision: 1
Architecture: powerpc, i386

Maintainer: Paul Mitchum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
HomePage: http://www.graphicsmagick.org/
License: GPL
Description: Graphics conversion and composite utility

Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/GraphicsMagick-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 9dec2209500b44c617a789b4072ed724

DescDetail: <<
    GraphicsMagick is the swiss army knife of image processing.
    It provides a robust collection of tools and libraries which
    support reading, writing, and manipulating an image in over
    88 major formats.
    GraphicsMagick is feature-compatible with ImageMagick, but can
    be installed alongside it.

DescPackaging: <<
This package builds GM as a stand-alone, no libraries, no-plugins, no
Magick++ binary. This is just to simplify things, and, frankly, because
I don't know how to do it otherwise (yet).

GraphicsMagick wants a lot of dependencies. Some are available under  
and, some aren't, but it will build just fine without the ones that  
exist yet.
Capabilities which are missing because of lack of fink projects:
GCM (needs ralcgm package, unmaintained in fink),
camera RAW files (needs dcraw package),
rasterized HTML pages (html2ps package),
JBIG (jbig-kit package),
DICOM (unmodified libjpeg),
Radiance (ra_ppm utility),
RLE (Utah Raster Toolkit),
scanner support will be dicey at best (scanimage utility),
FlashPIX (libfpx package),
and PNG and MIFF, which don't work because there's no zlib. This
is a priority.

Support for the more secure TRIO package is pending.

PerlMagick support is missing in this revision. My kung fu is no good.

Depends: lcms-shlibs, freetype219-shlibs, ghostscript, hp2xx,  
gnuplot, libjasper1-shlibs, mpeg2vidcodec, libwmf-shlibs, libxml2- 
shlibs, transfig

# ConfigureParams only sets path stuff not likely to change with  
# Feature options set in CompileScript.
# some of the config files are stored in weird places by GM. these  
paths are
# difficult to re-engineer, but it will happen. :-)
ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --datadir=%p/share/doc/%n

CompileScript: <<
#! /bin/sh -ev
./configure %c --with-png=no --without-perl --disable-static -- 
# make check

InstallScript: <<
#! /bin/sh -ev
DESTDIR=%i make install

RuntimeVars: <<
   MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH: %p/share/doc/%n/GraphicsMagick-1.1.7/config: 

DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog Copyright.txt NEWS PLATFORMS.txt  

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