Daniel Johnson wrote:
> I wonder if it's actually the xorg build system that is at fault here 
> rather than Apple. The macosforge package does the same thing. Of 
> course, if Apple had just included the updated .la file this wouldn't be 
> an issue. In any case, the results are headaches for Fink 
> users/maintainers. Thanks Apple!

In the X11 parts, the quality control is particularly low, but the 
symlink weirdness is not restricted to it (the lib*.la files are perhaps 
a little weirder in X11 than elsewhere).

If you look into /usr/lib/, you see a colorful mixture of examples for 
both variants (compare /usr/lib/libiconv*dylib with 
/sw/lib/libiconv*dylib, for instance), plus all sorts of hand-crafted 
symlinks, with /usr/lib/libreadline.dylib as the famous lonely summit of 


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